
Travel back to 1884, when the province of British Columbia was abuzz with tales of a mysterious creature known as Jacko the Ape-Boy. Allegedly captured on the train tracks outside of Yale, Jacko was said to be half man and half beast, and some of the biggest names in cryptozoology and hominology have given their opinions on the Jacko story over the past 75 years. It’s a tantalizing mystery, but was Jacko ever real?

Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-Boy: https://www.hancockhouse.com/products/yale-the-strange-story-of-jacko-the-ape-boy

Original Daily Colonist Article: https://archive.org/details/dailycolonist18840704uvic/page/n2/mode/1up?view=theater

Find Me: https://erin-cain.com
Email: whatsamhill@protonmail.com
Snail Mail: PO Box 502, Bostwick, GA 30623
Intro/Outro Music by Caffeine Creek Band: https://m.facebook.com/pg/caffeinecreekband/